Child Law

Child Law Solicitors in Reading

Are you facing legal issues concerning children’s welfare and rights? At Barrett and Co, we understand that navigating the complexities of child law can be emotionally challenging and legally daunting. Our team of highly skilled and compassionate child law solicitors is here to provide you with the expertise and support you need during these sensitive times.

What Child Law Service Can we Help With?

Our child law solicitors deal with all private law matters. We take great pride in supporting families and protecting the rights of children. Here’s how we can help you:

Child arrangement orders help families in dispute over child care arrangements. They allow the parties involved to come to an agreement that is based on the welfare of the child.
These orders prohibit a party (normally a parent) from certain activities relating to a child(ren).
A specific issue order prevents a parent from having influence over a specific part of a child’s upbringing. For example, this could be what school they go to.

We can support you with Schedule 1 Proceedings which relate to financial orders where children are involved. 

This is a type of court order that places a child / young person in the long-term care of someone other than a parent.

For a legal adoption to take place, an application must be made through the court. This is what we call adoption order proceedings. 

Why Choose Our Child Law Solicitors?

At Barrett and Co, we have a dedicated team of child law specialists who are deeply committed to protecting the best interests of children and ensuring their rights are upheld. Our extensive experience in child law allows us to handle a wide range of cases with precision and care. Whether you require assistance with child custody, adoption, child protection, or any other child law matter, we have the knowledge and skills to guide you through the legal process.

Compassionate and Client-Focused Approach

We understand that child-related legal matters can be emotionally charged and require a sensitive approach. Our child law solicitors take the time to listen to your concerns and understand the unique circumstances of your case. We believe in providing personalised solutions that are tailored to the specific needs of your family, ensuring the well-being and happiness of the children involved remain at the forefront of our work.

Expert Guidance in Child Custody Matters

Child custody disputes can be distressing for both parents and children alike. Our child law solicitors have a wealth of experience in handling custody cases, including sole custody, joint custody, and shared custody arrangements. We aim to find constructive and amicable solutions to ensure the children’s stability and a positive co-parenting environment.

Protecting Children’s Rights

Children have rights that deserve protection. Our child law solicitors are passionate about safeguarding children from all forms of harm and neglect. If you suspect a child is in danger or if child protective services have become involved in your family’s life, our dedicated team will work tirelessly to ensure the child’s well-being while protecting your parental rights.

Education and Experience You Can Trust

At barrettandco, our child law team boasts an impressive track record of successful cases and satisfied clients. Our solicitors stay up-to-date with the latest developments in child law to provide you with the most relevant and effective legal advice.

Contact Us Today

If you are in need of expert child law solicitors who will handle your case with professionalism, empathy, and dedication, look no further than Barrett and Co. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards protecting your children’s future. Let us stand by your side during this challenging time and ensure the best possible outcome for you and your family.

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Child Law Solicitors FAQs

we understand the importance of safeguarding the rights and well-being of children. Our expert Child Law solicitors are dedicated to providing comprehensive legal support to families facing various challenges. Explore our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) to gain valuable insights into Child Law in the UK.

The Court’s view about child arrangements post separation is that the parents should work together so that both parents are in the children’s lives as this is the best way to ensure that they have a healthy upbringing.  Witnessing parents arguing or excluding a parent from their lives can have a detrimental affect on their health. Therefore, the Court’s view is that an agreement should be reached between the parents amicably and if that fails, parents should use mediation as a tool to reach an agreement.

The Court’s approach is the ‘no order principle’.  This means that if it is not necessary to have an Order in place regarding the arrangements, then there is no need to have an Order in place. Of course there will be times when you would feel more comfortable if there was a written agreement in place. Accordingly, we can draft the Order and send to the Court to approve.  We would offer a fixed fee to draft this for you. 

If negotiations breakdown between your partner, you will need to have evidence that you have attempted mediation to reach an agreement, this is referred to as the MIAM form.  In the event that mediation fails, an application can be prepared and sent to the Court.  The first hearing is usually listed within 12 weeks of the application being issued by the Court.

The child’s best interests and welfare are Court’s paramount concern in deciding any issues concerning not only their upbringing but also the administration of matrimonial property and this should also be the parents’ main concern.

Obviously, this will vary according to the child’s age and the circumstances of each case. In most cases it is usually considered in the best interests of the child to spend time with both parents.

The Children Act 1989 sets out factors that the court must pay particular attention to when determining what is in the best interests of the child. 

The Court will use these factors to determine who the child(ren) should live with and how much time they should spend with the other parent. 

CAFCASS are the agency who assist the Court in understanding the needs of the child(ren).  When the application is issued, both parties will be contacted by a CAFCASS officer who will complete a safeguarding report for the Court and advise the Court how to proceed with the case.

There may be instances where the Court require a more detailed report to be prepared by CAFCASS often known as a S7 report. The purpose of the S7 report is for CAFCASS to prepare a report for the Court advising them on the abilities of both parents to care for the child(ren), their home and personal life and the wishes and feelings of the child(ren). 

The report will often advise the Court who the child(ren) should live with and how much contact they should have with the other parent.  The court is often likely to follow the recommendation of the CAFCASS officer preparing the report.

No, you do not lose parental responsibility if the child is ordered to live with the other parent. In most cases, the Mother will always have parental responsibility. In the case of a Father, if they are married to the Mother,  his name is on the birth certificate or the Court orders that he has parental responsibility, then they will have parental responsibility.  Only the Court has the power to remove a parent’s parental responsibility.

If the Court Orders that the child live with one parent, this means that that parent would make decisions in relation to the day to day care of the child.  However, the non resident parent would still have access to the child(ren)’s medical records, school records and any other information pertinent to the child’s welfare.

Yes. The parents can agree this between themselves if they think it is best for the child. However, if they disagree over who is to care for the child full time, the Court can make a Child Arrangements Order, specifying that the child will live with one parent or both parents on an equal or unequal basis.

As with any other Order concerning a child, the Court will only an Order if it is satisfied that this is in the child’s best interest.

If there is a live with order in place, the parent with whom the child lives with can take the child out of the country for a period of 28 days without the other parent’s consent.  In the event that there is no live with order in place, both parents would need to obtain the consent of the other to take the the child(ren) out of the jurisdiction. 

In this instance, an application for a Prohibited Steps Order should be made to the Court urgently. This would prevent the other parent removing the child from the jurisdiction without the Court’s permission.

An application for a Specific Issue Order would need to be made for the Court to determine this type of issue.